Foundation Repair Services in Charlottesville, VA

Home is the symbol of comfort and stability. We want to enforce that stability with foundation services that withstand the test of time. With a Stable Foundations guarantee, you get certified experts, with over 30+ years of experience helping people in and around Charlottesville with their foundation repairs, and who use techniques that adapt to every home we repair. Our unwavering commitment to honesty and high-quality services has allowed us to help thousands of homes in Charlottesville with foundation repair solutions.

Symptoms of Foundation Damage

At Stable Foundations, we pride ourselves on the due diligence of every foundation and crawl space expert. When you schedule an inspection, a certified expert in foundation repair will assess your foundation’s external and internal condition. With our years of experience helping Charlottesville with foundation repair, we know what to look for, including basic signs of damage, such as sticking doors and windows, wall cracks, a tilting chimney, and uneven floors.

Common Culprits for Foundation Damage

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: Water building up in your soil and pushing against your foundation walls. If you have any cracks in your walls, the water will find those openings and force water through.
  • Expansive Soil: Heavy rainfall can make your soil swell and increase hydrostatic pressure. On the other hand, heat and drought can make expansive soil shrink and leave space for your foundation to shift and settle.
  • Flooded Basement: Flooding or standing water in your basement can indicate a preexisting issue. If you have pre-existing cracks along your wall, water will find a way to seep into your basement through those cracks. Or, due to hydrostatic pressure, water can build against your whole wall and create a bowing effect. Give Charlottesville's basement repair experts at Stable Foundations a call today if you are experiencing any of these issues.

Choose Stable Foundations for Foundation Repair

Foundation repair issues don’t go away overnight. Cracks in your wall might seem like simple cosmetic issues, but the longer you wait to get that checked, the more costly the foundation repair could become. Save yourself some stress and give Stable Foundations repair experts in Charlottesville a call as soon as you see a sign of foundation damage. With a free inspection, we can give you the peace of mind you need with tailored foundation and basement repair solutions in Charlottesville and beyond. Call us to schedule your inspection today!